Automne 2010 / Fall 2010

Présentations passées / Past presentations

Séminaires RPN / RPN Seminars

Date Série


Jeu. / Thu. 23 Sep. 14h00 RPN George Isaac (Cloud Physics and Severe Weather, EC) Winter Weather Nowcasting
24 Sep. 11h00 RPN Pirkko Saarikivi (Foreca Consulting Ltd) ROADIDEA - Calendrier de lancement d'innovations radicales dans les services de transportd européens / ROADIDEA - Roadmap for innovations in European Transport services
1 Oct. 11h00 RPN Zhiwei Wu Contribution of the autumn Tibetan Plateau snow cover to seasonal prediction of North American winter temperature
15 Oct. 11h00 RPN
Mark Buehner Proposed modifications to the global 4d-var analysis system
22 Oct. 11h00 RPN
Jason Milbrandt Current Research on Parameterizing Cloud Microphysics in GEM
29 Oct. 11h00 RPN
Abdessamad Qaddouri A validation of the Yin-Yang staggered meso-stratospheric forecast GEM model
5 Nov. 11h00 RPN
Seak-Woo Son (McGill) Stratospheric influence on the Northern Hemisphere Extratropical weather and climate systems:  the Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) and Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)
19 Nov. 11h00 RPN
Janusz Pudykiewicz How do we test our numerical models?
Mar./Tue. 23 Nov. 10h30 RPN
Mark Buehner, Alain Caya
Tom Carrieres*, Paul Pestieau*, Lynn Pogson
(*Marine and Ice Services Division, EC)
Automated North American Sea-Ice Analysis System
26 Nov. 11h00 RPN
Laurie Wilson New avenues in forecast verification
3 Déc. / Dec. RPN
Jean Côté
Mon dernier séminaire /
My last seminar

10 Déc. / Dec 11h00 RPN
Peter Houtekamer
La configuration stratosphérique
du Système de Prévision d’Ensemble

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