PDEs on the sphere 2019
April 29 - May 3, 2019, Montréal, Québec, Canada
The PDEs on the sphere workshop is about numerical solution techniques on modern and emerging computer architectures of the partial differential equations that govern weather, climate and ocean circulation. Particular topics of interest include:
- All aspects of dynamical core formulation
- Coupling between equations and with sub-grid scale parametrisations
- Parallel scaling
- Test cases
- Equation sets
The format of the workshop will be similar to the previous ones, with single sessions of oral presentations (no parallel sessions) from selected abstracts, following a review by the workshop organising committee.
The registration fee is Can$170.

Previous workshops
- 2017: Paris, France
- 2015: Seoul, Korea
- 2014: Boulder, CO, USA
- 2012: Cambridge, UK
- 2010: Potsdam, Germany
- 2009: Santa Fe, NM, USA
- 2007: Exeter, UK
- 2006: Monterey, CA, USA
- 2004: Yokohama, Japan
- 2002: Toronto, Canada
- 2001: Montréal, Canada
- 1999: San Francisco, CA, USA
- 1998: Gatlinburg, TN, USA
- 1996: Breckenridge, CO, USA
- 1994: Chicago, IL, USA
- 1993: Oak Ridge, TN, USA
- 1991: Boulder, CO, USA
- 1990: Argonne, IL, USA
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