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Extensive Data for the Level 0 Canadian Wind Atlas

Statistical variables

Variable Definition (all values in Watt/sq.meter)
E1 Time-averaged value of WE
E2 Standard deviation of WE. I.e. SquareRoot of the Time-averaged value of (WE-E1)**2
EH Time Frequency histogram of WE.
Values occuring in the individual intervals defined by 8 tresholds:
0., 200., 300., 400., 500., 600., 800., 1000.

Grid description: the products are provided on a conformal map projection. Its definition is: Polar stereographic, true at 60N, on the spherical Earth datum, with a Earth radius of 6371.22 km. See here for technical aspects. The raster arrays have a size of 281 (along x-axis) x 301 (along y-axis) points (i.e. 84300 elements). For the GIS-type numerical data files, go here.

Sample GIS analysis derived from our GIS-type files:

By importing into MapInfo, the MIF/MID file ( and see further below), one can create a thematic map of the model topography (ME variable in the file). By selecting the relief shading option and overlaying an outline of Canada (white line), one gets the following picture (the color legend is included, showing elevations in meter). The visual pixels correspond to the grid cells of 25 km.

Click on small image to get the full-resolution version
E1 for January
E1 for February
E1 for March
E1 for April
E1 for May
E1 for June
E1 for July
E1 for August
E1 for September
E1 for October
E1 for November
E1 for December (695 kB) and (3821 kB) GIS-type of files (zip-compressed) containing all of the Total and Monthly distributions of all statistical parameters (E1, E2, EH). These are in the MapInfo MID/MIF format. See here for technical informations.
NWP model Topography (meter)
NWP model Land-sea mask (0-1). This version of the mask does NOT delineate the lakes. However the model's mask includes the larger lakes.
NWP model Roughness length (z0, meter) (695 kB) and (227 kB) GIS-type of files (zip-compressed) containing the NWP model topography, roughness and land-sea interface. In the MapInfo MID/MIF format. See here for technical informations.

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Last Updated : 2002-10-29
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