############# GEMDM Model -- Version 3.2.0 ###############
                            January 20 2005

        Version 3.2.0 of the GEMDM dynamics is now ready and available 
        in directories:
	It is connected to RPN/CMC physics version 4.2 in directory:



  There has been many significant changes in this version which do not
  seem to change the meteorological results. This version will however
  not bit reproduce results of version v_3.1.2. It is connected to
  Physics version 4.2 so please refer to the Physics 4.2 release 
  notes for details. Documentation on previous GEMDM releases can be
  found in:


  This note is available in the website under Version Rel. Date at v 3.2.0

  Please note that there are additional files at this GEMDM website (v3.2.0)
  which are related to this version:

                          IMPORTANT NOTE
  The source code has been divided in 2 RCS with corresponding libraries.
  The non-linear forward code is stored in $gem/RCS_DYN whereas the
  4DVAR code is stored in $gem/RCS_4DVAR. The makefile load target for
  the non-linear GEMDM is unchanged (make gemdm). An additional target
  has been added to the Makefile in order to load an executable containing
  4DVAR capabilities - make gem4d.

  Changes that affect run time computation:

1) New physics package (4.2) (Leduc/Bilodeau),

2) New optimized advection code by Valin+Tanguay. Control keys for
   this "turbo-advection" are in "gem_cfgs" namelist:
      - Adw_nosetint_L (default = .false.) when set to .true.
        this option activates an optimized version of subroutine
        adw_main_2_pos.ftn. The better performance will mainly be
        noticed under TL and AD configurations,
      - Adw_lag3d_L (default = .false.) when set to .true. this
        option activates the Lagrange cubic interpolation
        in the vertical. With this option both horizontal and
        vertical interpolations have been optimized,

3) System library "MASSVP4" has been upgraded since Sept.27 thus, 
   comparison with previous operational executables will definitely 
   not bit pattern validate,

4) Important correction in the computation of vertical velocity in 
   pressure coordinate - impacts the physics behaviour   (Gravel),

5) For LAM only, blending with lateral boundary conditions is enlarged
   by 1 point around global boundaries (Desgagne),

6) Bugfixes:
    - vertical sponge: correction to indexing 
    - computation of dzmin in p_vmmphy.ftn

  Major changes to the output package affecting final result 
  and format of output. Output requests and configuration are 
  also affected:  (Lee & Desgagne)

1) Output is no longer in SLAB files. The model directly produces 
   FSTD RPN file format using grid type '#'. Moreover it is now possible
   to put more than 1 timeframe per file and to produce less files than
   the actual number of processor used for the run. This is made possible
   by the use of regular block partioning of the PEs themselves with
   "ptopo" namelist variables Ptopo_nblocx and Ptopo_nblocy.

     ex: Ptopo_npex   = 4, Ptopo_npey   = 8,
         Ptopo_nblocx = 2, Ptopo_nblocy = 4,

   will block partition the 32 PEs into 8 regular blocks of 2x2 PEs.
   Output of the whole domain would here produce 8 files. Of course
   this reduction in the number of output files is done at the cost
   of extra communications in order to collect the data. This can
   however be minimized through a wise choice of Ptopo_nbloc* that
   would actually minimized inter-node communications.

   The "delamineur" program is no longer used but the "bemol" program 
   can still be used to re-assemble the global domain (d2z=1 in configexp.dot.cfg).

   The number of PEs must be divisible into the number of blocks on each
   axis i.e. mod(Ptopo_npex,Ptopo_nblocx)=0 and mod(Ptopo_npey,Ptopo_nblocy)=0.
   Be aware that an output of 4x8 versus 2x4 will look slightly different 
   because of the compaction of FSTD files. The filtered fields are also 
   slightly changed because they were previously scaled before being filtered 
   in v_3.1.2 and now, it is the reverse.

2) Output requests and configuration have changed in two files.
   a) in gem_cfgs namelist
      All keys names Out_??? are changed to Out3_???
      Out_xnbit and Out_filt keys are deleted and the control is now
      in "outcfg.out" file. There are 3 more new keys:
      (i)   Out3_ip3     - to change value of IP3 written in output
      (ii)  Out3_debug_L - control of stdio from FSTD functions
      (iii) Out3_etik_S  - change "etiket" given in GEMNTR during GEMDM run
      (iv)  Out3_closestep-requested number of steps to close output file
      See gem_settings.nml.txt.

   b) in outcfg.out file
      new output command to control special compaction on certain fields
      new output command to control special filter on certain fields
      ie: filtre([PN,GZ,TT], coef, 0.5, pass,2)

      user must now request physics fields using the command "sortie_p"
      and can use the variable names given in the first OR second column
      of the physics buses descriptions in the listing of the runs.
      ie: sortie_p([MF,MY,MG,ALVIS,LA,DLON,WFLUX,N2],grid,1,levels,1,steps,2)

      Variables requested under "sortie" are considered to be from dynamics.

      Definition of grid other than size of model or core is now defined
      with "reduc".

      Please read the file "outcfg.out.txt" for more details

   Other Changes related to new schemes and/or packages:

1) GEMDM offline mode (MEC). (P. Pellerin & Delage)
   E_schm_offline_L (default = .false.)

2) Patch for the surface prognostic variables when running without 
   physics (Gravel) 
   Schm_sfix_L (default = .false.)

3) Background vertical diffusion (Gravel)
   Vrtd_L (default = .false.)

4) Updated canonical cases (Gravel)

5) 4Dvar for operational implementation (Tanguay,Buehner,Zadra)

6) Re-introduction of variable diffusion operator (Toviessi & Qaddouri)
   Hzd_difva_L (default = .false.)

7) New keys to control physics v_4.2:
   P_pbl_impflx_L     - implicit surface fluxes                 (default = .false.)
   P_pbl_z0tlat       - latitude used to specify Z0T over water (default = 0.,0.  )
   P_cond_pcptype_S   - PCPTYPE                                 (default = 'NIL'  )
   P_cond_kticefrac_L - ice fraction                            (default = .true. )

   Sample run configurations can be found at $gem/run_configs
   Sample analysis given in these examples are not guaranteed to exist
