############# GEMDM Model -- Version 3.1.2 ###############
                            April 27   2004

        Version 3.1.2 of the GEMDM dynamics is now ready and available 
        in directory:
	It is connected to RPN/CMC physics version 4.1 in directory:



  This version is very similar to the previous version 3.1.1
  EXCEPT that it uses Physics version 4.1 instead of 4.0. This
  is the official version for the 15km regional operation run.
  Note that it will not necessarily bit-reproduce results for
  configurations used in the version 3.1.1 because of changes
  in the physics code. Please refer to the Physics 4.1 release 
  notes for details. Documentation on previous releases can be
  found in:


  The main features of this version are:

1) Namelist changes in gem_settings.nml (for namelist physics):
   Variable P_cond_kfctrig4 replaced  P_cond_kfctrig
   Addition of new variables: P_cond_pcptype_S, P_radfilter_L

2) Correction of bug in GEMNTR (uninitialized variable which
   may or may not cause a crash in the entry program)

3) RPN_comm_barrier statement added to insure message written to cmclog
   file is after output is complete. The type of time unit written
   in the cmc log file also corresponds to the time units of the output.
