Michel Roch*, Sylvie Gravel, Alain Patoine+, André Méthot+, Jean Côté, and Andrew Staniforth
Recherche en prévision numérique and +Centre météorologique canadien
 Service de l'environnement atmosphérique, Dorval, Québec, CANADA


A new generation model is being developed with a view to meeting all of the current and foreseeable operational weather-forecasting needs of Canada for the coming years, and to provide the research community with a flexible modeling environment. The present operational requirements include data assimilation, medium-range forecasting on the global scale, and short-range regional forecasting. In the near future, mesoscale simulations may be initiated upon request if warranted by the uncertainty associated with the development of an interesting weather phenomenon.

 The operational cycle of the Canadian Meteorolo-gical Center is composed of two parallel branches. The first one performs data assimilation and medium range weather forecasting on the global scale using a global spectral model [Ritchie (1994)]. The second provides higher-resolution regional analyses and forecasts using a variable-resolution finite-element model [Mailhot (1994)]. This parallel strategy requires the maintenance, improvement and optimization of two distinct sets of libraries and procedures. The rapidly changing computing environment in the past few years has put a serious burden on the personnel responsible for accomplishing this task. The situation has initiated a thrust towards the definition of a new strategy that would consolidate these two complementary aspects of weather forecasting within a single model framework.

 First, the technique is global so that the long waves are handled properly for both data assimilation and extended-range forecasting. Second, the model has a variable-resolution capability such that it is possible to use a uniform-resolution latitude/longitude mesh, or to generate a variable-resolution grid in a rotated-coordinate system with a high-resolution sub-domain that can be focused over any geographical area of interest. Outside this area, the grid spacing smoothly increases to reach its maximum value at the antipode.

 The proof of concept of this strategy has been made by the development of a shallow-water prototype [Côté (1993)] that treated the horizontal aspects of the problem.

 The numerical techniques used have shown a high level of robustness whether applied at uniform resolution or using the variable-resolution mesh with resolution as high as 250 meters. The formulation has recently been extended to three dimensions [Côté (1994)]. Coding of the global 3D model is complete and testing is underway.

In the present work we wish to demonstrate the flexibility of the previously-described strategy as implemented in this new global 3D model.


The proposed model uses a finite-element spatial discretization, which allows for a variable resolution approach with a minimal loss of accuracy. This permits a focusing of the resolution over an area of interest for short-range forecasting with a minimal overhead associated with the model's global extent. It is an elegant and efficient solution to the nesting problem. The time discretization is a semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme which removes the overly-restrictive time step limitation imposed by the use of a more conventional Eulerian scheme. The model formulation uses the non-hydrostatic Euler equations with an option to use the more conventional hydrostatic primitive equations for large-scale applications where the hydrostatic approximation is valid. A hydrostatic-pressure-type hybrid vertical coordinate ("[[eta]]") is adopted as proposed in Laprise (1992).

For the purpose of the present work, the model was run using the hydrostatic version of the model with horizontal diffusion applied on all dynamic fields.



To demonstrate the flexibility of the previously-described strategy, three integrations have been performed that outline the spectrum of use that the new model would be subjected to in an operational environment. The model is run with 23 levels in the vertical, a resolution equivalent to the one used in the two Canadian operational models. The integrations are performed in a purely dynamic mode with no topography. The first run uses a uniform latitude/longitude grid with the computational poles coincident with the geographical poles. The mesh layout is shown in Fig. 1. The second experiment uses a rotated latitude/longitude coordinate system with a higher resolution region of interest enclosing North America and the adjacent oceans (Fig. 2). The third run has a subdomain covering an area of around 700 x 700 km. over Cape Hatteras, with meso-[[gamma]] resolution (Fig. 5). The constant-resolution regions in runs 2 and 3 are shown as white and black rectangles respectively in Figs. 2 and 5. The two variable-grid integrations have expansion coefficients for grid increments of approximately 10%. Grid characteristics and length of integration for each of the experiments are shown in Table 1. For Runs 1-3 the resolution over the areas of interest is approximately 120, 55 and 5.5 km respectively.

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Fig 1. Uniform lat/lon mesh used for RUN 1. The resolution is approximately 1.1 deg.. The computational poles coincide with the geographical poles.

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Fig. 3. 48 hour geopotential height forecast in dam for uniform-grid forecast at [[eta]]=0.43. Contour interval is 6 dam.


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Fig 2. Rotated variable-resolution lat/lon mesh used for RUN 2. The resolution is highest at 0.5 deg. over the North American area of interest and slowly decreases away from it.

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Fig. 4. As in Fig. 3, but for the 0.5 deg. variable-grid forecast.

The three runs are performed on a case of explosive cyclogenesis that starts to develop off Cape Hatteras. The integrations are initiated on February 12 1993 1200Z UTC. Since the model does not have any physical parameterization, we will not try to compare with reality. It is a good case however to put to the test the model's dynamics.



                A     B          C    
   RUN 1     1.1deg.  328x164  48hrs  
   RUN 2     0.5deg.  225x169  48hrs  
   RUN 3     0.05deg  241x225  6hrs   
A: Resolution in deg.

 B: Number of points of the horizontal grid

 C: Length of the integration


Since there are no mountains and no physical parameterization for the integrations there is no forcing at the shortest scales resolved by the model. The evolution of the flow will therefore be mostly determined by the dynamical interactions between the scales that were present in the analysis at initial time. Since the initial analysis has a resolution of about 1.5 degrees, less than any of the grid configurations used in the present study, we should expect that each model slowly fills the spectral gap between the analysis and its own shortest scale through non-linear interactions.

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Fig 5. Rotated variable-resolution lat/lon mesh used for RUN 3. The resolution is 0.05 deg. over the area of interest covering Cape Hatteras and slowly decreases away from it.

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Fig 6. 6 hour surface virtual temperature forecast in deg. K. for 0.05 deg. variable-grid model; contour interval is 2 deg. K.

The 48 hour geopotential height forecast is presented for the uniform grid (RUN 1) in Fig. 3 and for the variable-resolution grid (RUN 2) in Fig. 4 at a model level ([[eta]]=0.43) corresponding to 430 hpa. There is quite good agreement between the two forecasts within the region of constant resolution of the RUN 2 grid. Over this region differences between the two forecasts increase close to the western boundary due to the inflow of poorly-resolved waves from the coarser-resolution outer domain. This demonstrates quite well the main objective of the variable-resolution approach, which is to maintain a high-quality forecast over an area of interest for a cost significantly less than that of an equivalent-resolution global model.

The spatial truncation errors associated with the variable-resolution portion of the model's grid progagate with the speed of the local wind. This has to be taken into account when defining a uniform-resolution region of interest for the model. It has to be sufficiently large, so that the entire region is not unduly contaminated by the error advected from the variable portion of the grid during the time of integration. It is therefore a compromise between the width of this region and the length of the run. A 6 hour surface virtual temperature forecast using the grid shown in Fig. 5 is presented in Fig. 6 (RUN 3). The developing low has triggered a sharp strengthening of the baroclinic zone to the west of Cape Hatteras, a precursor of the ensuing explosive deepening. This high-resolution model configuration, when run in non-hydrostatic mode with a complete physics package could be a good tool to study successive stages of explosive cyclogenesis in research mode or to proceed to nowcasting at the meso-[[gamma]] scale in the operational mode.



The physical parameterization currently being used by both Canadian operational models has been connected to the new model using a plug-compatible approach, and each physical process is being tested. Furthermore, all of the attributes of a modern operational model are being added to the dynamical core of the existing model (output program, postprocessors, time series, zonal diagnostic extractors, etc.). The non-hydrostatic version of the model will be fully evaluated afterward.

 The preliminary results shown in the present work are encouraging. The strategy that was developed in a 2D prototype and recently extended to 3D shows promising results in our progress towards a unified data assimilation and forecast system at the heart of which lies a single multipurpose and multiscale numerical model.



Côté, J., M. Roch, A. Staniforth and&bsp;L. Fillion, 1993: A variable-resolution semi-Lagrangian finite-element global model of the shallow-water equations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 231-243.

 Côté, J., S. Gravel, M. Roch, A.&nbspPatoine and A. Staniforth, 1994: A non-hydrostatic variable-resolution global model of the atmosphere Preprints 10th Conf. on Num. Wea. Pred., Portland, 171-172.

 Laprise, R., 1992: The Euler equations of motion with hydrostatic pressure as independent variable. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 197-207.

 Mailhot, J., R. Sarrazin, B. Bilodeau, N. Brunet, A. Methot, G. Pellerin, C. Chouinard, L. Garand, C. Girard and R. Hogue:, 1995: Changes to the Canadian regional forecast system - description and evaluation of the 50 km version. Atmos.-Ocean, 35, 1-28.

 Ritchie, H. and C. Beaudoin, 1994: Approximations and sensitivity experiments with a baroclinic semi-Lagrangian spectral model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 2391-2399.