The operational CMC/MRB Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model: Part II - Results

Jean Côté*, Sylvie Gravel*, André Méthot+,
 Alain Patoine+, Michel Roch* and Andrew Staniforth*
*Recherche en prévision numérique et +Centre météorologique canadien
Service de l'environnement atmosphérique
2121 Route Transcanadienne, porte 500
Dorval, Québec



An integrated forecasting and data assimilation system has been and is continuing to be developed by the Meteorological Research Branch (MRB) in partnership with the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) of Environment Canada. Part II of this two-part paper presents the objective and subjective evaluations of the intercomparison process that led to the operational implementation of the Global Environmental Multiscale model. The results of a "proof-of-concept" experiment and those of a meso-gamma-scale simulation further demonstrate the validity and versatility of this model.