RPN Seminars are normally held on Fridays, to allow the dissemination of scientific and technical developments to the scientific community of the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) in Dorval.
The seminars take place in the "Salle des Vents", the large room on the 1st floor of CMC (Dorval), at 11h00, and normally last one hour. There are two sessions: spring (January to June) and fall (September to December).
The RPN Seminars are coordinated by
Abdessamad Qaddouri (514-421-7208, Abdessamad.Qaddouri@ec.gc.ca)
The seminars should be related to active subjects of work within CMC. They are mainly focused to the exchange of ideas within the local scientific and development community of CMC. However, they are open to any qualified participant and visitors.
Under special circumstances, the coordination team may accept helping in the organization of seminars outside this framework, during other days of the week, at different hours, or in another room, but following the same standards as for the regular Friday seminars. Proponents should try to minimize this and limit it to special circumstances only, as these cases carry a substantial supplementary effort of coordination. Guidance for acceptable circumstances:
External visitors, as their presence may be known only on a short notice and they may not be at CMC on a Friday.
Seminars directly linked to the delivery of packages to the operational service, as the work may be strongly constrained in time by the delivery to operations.
Speakers, or their proponents, should contact any, or both, of the coordinators, to arrange a date. They should be ready to provide at least an approximate title. Unless under exceptional circumstances, speakers should target a date at least one month ahead from this point.
An abstract should be provided as soon as possible, ideally within few days of the agreement of the date, but no later than 2 weeks before the talk. At the option of the speaker, abstracts may be provided in French, English, or both. Currently no translation service is offered, so the abstract will remain as delivered, except for a reduction to a common format performed by the organizers. The speakers should provide
For external (outside CMC) speakers, their affiliation
The language they plan to use
An abstract (about 1/2 page)
The coordinators will keep a table of the upcoming talks. It is recommended to the speakers that they provide the abstract as soon as possible, as the title and abstract are provided in this table, which is an important part of the advertisement of the talks.
The talks will be advertised through e-mail several days ahead, with another e-mail reminder the same day.
The presentations will normally be stored in the table of past talks. There are two tables, one accessible from within EC, and one public. The speakers can however opt-out from one or both. The ideal format for this storage is pdf, although it is recognized that some kinds of content (videos, heavy content of mathematical formulae) may be poorly reproduced in this format. Therefore, a small amount of supplementary material may be stored as well if this is justified. If the amount of supplementary material is substantially large, speakers are invited to store the information elsewhere, and provide a link in the presentation. Speakers with special needs should contact the organizers.
In-house speakers are encouraged to use the existing standard template formats for their presentations.
In-house personnel who invites visitors for a seminar should remember that it is their responsibility to inform of the visit to the security desk, as much in advance as possible, and preferably not less than several days ahead.
Just before the talk, the lecturer (or his/her delegate) can ring the bell (kept in room 500) to announce that a seminar will be given shortly. This bell should be returned to its original location immediately after its use. It is a good idea to use the bell to remind people that a seminar will be held shortly since, the formal announcement to the "building" is done only once, which is the day before the scheduled seminar.