
RPN Seminars are normally held on Fridays, to allow the dissemination of scientific and technical developments to the scientific community of the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) in Dorval.

The seminars take place in the "Salle des Vents", the large room on the 1st floor of CMC (Dorval), at 11h00, and normally last one hour. There are two sessions: spring (January to June) and fall (September to December).


The RPN Seminars are coordinated by


The seminars should be related to active subjects of work within CMC. They are mainly focused to the exchange of ideas within the local scientific and development community of CMC. However, they are open to any qualified participant and visitors.

Special seminars

Under special circumstances, the coordination team may accept helping in the organization of seminars outside this framework, during other days of the week, at different hours, or in another room, but following the same standards as for the regular Friday seminars. Proponents should try to minimize this and limit it to special circumstances only, as these cases carry a substantial supplementary effort of coordination. Guidance for acceptable circumstances:


The Bell