Séminaire vendredi 31 mars 11h00 / Seminar Friday Mar. 31, 11:00 AM Conférencier/Lecturer: Tom Mathews (ARQX, Downsview) Sujet/Subject: Stratospheric Ozone and UV Data: its flow from measurement to information / De la mesure à l'information: Données sur l'ozone statosphérique et les UV Presentation: Français / French Lieu/Room: Grande salle du premier étage CMC iweb: http://iweb.cmc.ec.gc.ca/rpn/SEM web: http://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/science/rpn/SEM/index.php -------------------------------------------------- RESUME / ABSTRACT The Experimental Studies section of the Air Quality Research Division (ARQX) is where Environment Canada studies the ozone layer and the UV Index. We'll discuss three different ways that the ozone layer is measured: - the Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer and its predecessors; - Ozonesonde balloons; - Satellites. After the measurements are taken, we'll show how they are quality-controlled and merged in the archive of the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC), which is an official archive of the World Meteorological Organization and is administered by ARQX. The physics and mathematics will be very general.