Le mariage OASIS et GOSSIP: vers un coupleur unifié Europeo-Canadien?


S. Valcke (1)
P. Pellerin (2), M. Valin (2), D. Bouhemhem (2), M. Faucher (3) S. Desjardins (2)

(1): Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique - CERFACS
(2): Recherche en Prévisions Numériques, Services Météorologiques Canadiens (RPN-SMC)
(3): Centre Météorologique Canadien, Services Météorologiques Canadiens (CMC-SMC)

The new unified OASIS3-GOSSIP2 coupler is a software allowing synchronized exchanges of coupling information between independent numerical models of the Earth system components.

OASIS3 is a coupler widely used in the European climate modelling community, particularly in the framework of the PRISM initiative, and by different other climate modelling groups around the world. OASIS3 is developed by CERFACS (Toulouse) since more than 10 years and was recently upgraded within the PRISM project. GOSSIP2 is the new version of the communication layer developed at RPN based on UNIX sockets. Particular advantages of GOSSIP2 are its simplicity, its portability, and its direct support of distributed computing. OASIS3 and GOSSIP2 have been merged in a recent CERFACS-SMC collaboration started this year.

OASIS3-GOSSIP2 is currently being used at RPN and CMC to assemble a coupled model based on the Institut Maurice Lamontagne ocean model and on the atmospheric model GEM. It is also planned to use it to externally couple GEM to the land surface schemes ISBA/CLASS, thereby giving the flexibility to easily change ISBA/CLASS resolution.

During this seminar, the PRISM project, the new unified OASIS3-GOSSIP2 coupler and its first applications will be presented.