Stewart Cober
Cloud Physics Research Division
Meteorological Service of Canada
The purpose of this talk is to update MSC researchers in Dorval on some of
the research initiatives that are being planned by MRB researchers in
Toronto. The strategic plans for ARMP during the period 2003-2010 will be
outlined. The following specific initiatives will be discussed 1) Planning
for the Global Precipitation Mission; 2) CloudSat validation project; 3) The
status of Unified Radar Processor Software version 3 (QPE); 4) The MSC
Workstation Project; 5) The Hurricane Project; 6) The Second Alliance Icing
Research Study; 7) A proposed Severe Weather Research and Forecast Group; 8)
Polarization of the King City radar; 9) Future plans for the ACSD research
aircraft facility; 10) Cloud radiation research; and 11) Future support to
various CFCAS initiatives.