Draft Schedule 

CMC Seminars AMS Presentation Rehearsals at CMC AMS Conference, 2003

Location: Canadian Meteorological Centre

Date: 17 January 2002 (Friday)

Poster Presentations
10:00-10:30 Interactions between the GEM atmospheric model and an ice-ocean model of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Hal Ritchie
More to be announced? ?
Oral Presentations
10:30-10:45 Regional climate scenarios set development for hydrological impact studies Jeanna Goldstein
10:45-11:00 Hydrologic assessment: application of extreme value theory for climate extreme scenarios construction Jeanna Goldstein
11:00-11:30 The Development of the Canadian Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMRAD) Program - An Update Gilles Fournier
11:30-11:45 Fuzzy case-based prediction of cloud ceiling and visibility Bjarne Hansen
11:45-12:00 More to be announced? ?

Last updated 18 November 2002

Days until AMS meeting begins:

To reserve a presentation time, e-mail bjarne.hansen@ec.gc.ca.